LSSM is chasing this, was Re: General Data? Computer Equipment Auction - GSA

P Gebhardt p.gebhardt at
Thu Mar 17 16:27:48 CDT 2022

 > Ok, it hit $1200, we're out of the running.  I hope these systems go 
> to a good home, and don't disappear into the black hole of a private 
I think that next time, you should consider to rephrase this in a more considerate way. There are public museums on both sides of the great pond where stuff is stored in the basements for preservation and does not become accessible for years and years, even if one asks for it. And I am not only meaning hardware or software, I also mean documentation (this is based on personal experience). In my point of view, black holes exist in private as well as public museums, regardless of the different reasons for this. Some do a great job in making their collection accessible in public either for real or online via a website, and some don't. It just depends from case to case and generalising here doesn't seem appropriate. 

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