Your pictures of a Tullamore pulse height analyzer on flickr

P Gebhardt p.gebhardt at
Fri Jun 3 00:29:55 CDT 2022

Apologies for the spam, folks, 
that message was supposed to be sent as a private one, and not via the mailing list. 


 >Am Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2022, 16:21:14 MESZ hat P Gebhardt via cctalk <cctalk at> Folgendes geschrieben: 
>Hello Patrick, 
>I came across your pictures of a Tullamore pulse heigh analyzer on flickr while looking for more information about these systems on internet. >Did you possibly take more pictures of this unit which are not on flickr?  If so, then I'd be interested in these as more pictures can help me to fix >my unit which has two missing front panels. 
>Thanks in advance for any feedback!
>With kind regards, 

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