SGI Indigo keyboard / mouse / converter wanted

Jules Richardson jules.richardson99 at
Sun Feb 20 10:47:12 CST 2022

On 2/20/22 10:36, Andrew Diller wrote:
> Indigo1 is not PS/2, even though the connector looks that way.

Correct. I was just pointing out that I think I recall someone years ago 
implementing a converter between the Indigo's proprietary protocols and 
"modern" (at the time) PS/2 keyboards/mice - and that one of those would 
likely also be suit my friend's needs in absence of an even-more-modern USB 

> You need to 
> have the "onxy" keyboard/mouse or get an adapter from Drakware.

The Drakware is the one that my friend mentioned to me, and they're out of 
stock at the moment, hence them seeking an alternative (and/or real 
devices) :-(


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