cleaning up edge connectors

geneb geneb at
Thu Apr 28 16:53:57 CDT 2022

On Thu, 28 Apr 2022, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:

> I am hoping to restore my TRS-80 Model-I(s).  As is usually
> the case with these the edge connectors are badly corroded
> and dirty and cleaning them with an eraser really doesn't
> help much.  Back in the day there used to be something you
> could get that let you "gold plate" the edge connectors.
> Is anything like that still available?  How about reflowing
> the pads using something like silver solder?
> If neither of these is doable or practical, what are people
> doing to clean up these connectors?

Bill, you might want to look into these: (quantities assume you're also 
working with an Expansion Interface)

40 pin - you'll need 3:

34 pin - you'll need 2:

I found them while tracking down a replacement for one on a Model I that 
had been severely damaged.


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