VAXstation 4000 Mice?

Antonio Carlini a.carlini at
Thu May 20 13:53:37 CDT 2021

On 20/05/2021 18:22, Jonathan Stone via cctalk wrote:
> It does indeed need a VSXXX-AA mouse (the round puck) or a VSXXX-AB 
> tablet (or compatible). \
> I recently checked both installation guide and service guide, whilst looking at eBay offerings.

I recently went through my DEC mice to test them (so I can create eBay 
offerings for the spares!) and all the -AA, -GA (and one other that 
escapes me right now) tested OK on a VS4000-60. At least one of those 
was originally used on my VAXstation 3100-M76.

If it looks like "that" sort of connector and it is a VSXXX-xx then I do 
suspect that it will work in any VAXstation up to and including the 
VAXstation 4000-96. In fact I recently sold one (privately) for use on a 
VAXstation II.

I think those mice will also work on the DECstation 2100/3100/5000 range 
, except for the Personal versions. You may need an adapter though.

They (I think) even work in the early Alpha workstations (the DEC 3000 
stuff); I don't think DEC switched to PS/2 mice until the AlphaStation 
name came out.


Antonio Carlini
antonio at

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