VAX4000 VLC diagnostics/console

Adrian Graham binarydinosaurs at
Thu Jul 15 02:52:51 CDT 2021

> On 15 Jul 2021, at 08:03, Antonio Carlini via cctalk <cctalk at> wrote:
> It would be nice to know if Bluepill works on the VS4000 range: I wonder if my VS4000-90 would then become silent enough to run more often!

So far it’s detected as  a Quantum Fireball but also is detected 8 times. I notice the chipset in the VLC is NCR and there are known issues with the NCR chipset in a Mac SE so I’ve poked a message out on the blueSCSI discord server to see if anyone has any ideas. One of the contributors worked on the SCSI2SD for VAX so he may be of help.

Adrian Graham
Owner of Binary Dinosaurs, the UK's biggest private home computer collection?
t: @binarydinosaurs    f:

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