Is this a new record?

Chris Zach cz at
Fri Apr 23 08:04:16 CDT 2021

Oh weird. Who did I send that keyboard to then. Oh, Ian. I did send it 
to him with the request he dump the ROMs and such so other people can 
build replicas, I'd say reach out to him.

Josh: Do you need a Perq1 or Perq2 keyboard. I have a pair of P2 
keybards but then again I also have a pair of Perq2's in addition to one 
Perq1 and a second Perq1 shell with just the disk drive.

It's finally (a) warming up and (b) people getting vaccinated so maybe I 
can get some help this summer removing more of that stuff. The Microvax 
3400 is not going to go up the steps easily...


On 4/23/2021 12:22 AM, jim stephens via cctalk wrote:
> On 4/22/2021 7:30 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
>> On 4/22/21 5:08 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
>>> Jesus, I just traded a Perq1 keyboard to a guy for a $100 donation to 
>>> a food bank of his choice.
>> josh dersch is looking for a keyboard and a monitor
> He already chimed in.  His search also triggered as soon as it was 
> posted.  Up to 4900 in first hour.  Ridiculous.
> One has to wonder for these two (another keyboard maybe a month ago) 
> where the machines are these are "liberated" from, or if the actual 
> owners are missing them.
> thanks
> Jim

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