Next project: 11/24. Does it need memory?

Chris Zach cz at
Wed Oct 21 19:28:30 CDT 2020

> If that's all the memory you have, the KT24 isn't really doing anything
> (well, monitoring power; holding boot PROM's; etc). Is your MS11-L configured
> to be EUB memory, then? If no KT24 is plugged in, the CPU detects that there
> isn't one there, and permanently, statically maps the UNIBUS straight across
> to the bottom 256KB of EUB space. (Presumably a low-cost option for the /24.)

Yes. I re-jumpered the memory to be EUB memory (bit of a pain as I 
wicked the solder, then moved the jumper) I could move it back but I 
think the problem is before this (and remove the Unibus map) however in 
that case do the five slots under the CPU board go from being EUB to MUD 
slots? Or are they blanked out with H727 knucklebusters?

> What kind of box is your -11/24 in, a BA11-A, or BA11-L?

The little 5.25 inch one. I just put up a few pics at, what kind of shots are you looking for?


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