Wanted: PDP-8/f or m (with or without cards)

Thomas Moss mosst at SDF.ORG
Mon Nov 9 23:00:42 CST 2020

Hi All,

I'm looking for a PDP-8/f or m. At a minimum I'd like the chassis with 
PSU, front panel, and backplane as I already have enough spare OMNIBUS 
boards to build up a basic system, although I'd still be interested in the 
boards if you have any.

Depending on the configuration and condition there's a few things I'd 
consider trading, namely my PDP-11/34a, AlphaStation DS10, Intel MDS 231, 
and KIM-1. If the price it right I'd be happy to buy it too.

I'm in the UK but would be prepared to ship some of the systems 
internationally; I can build crates and such.


mosst at sdf.org
SDF Public Access UNIX System - https://sdf.org

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