Microsoft open sources GWBASIC

Jecel Assumpcao Jr jecel at
Thu May 28 16:27:35 CDT 2020

Jim Brain wrote on Thu, 28 May 2020 15:54:10 -0500
> On 5/28/2020 12:38 PM, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:
> >   ? TRS-80 Colour, AKA CoCo -- 6809
> Started life as a farming-related Videotex terminal.  Pics will show the 
> amazing similarity.  Was a joint venture between Motorola and Tandy, and 
> used essentially the 6809 reference design.

It was originally a 6800 reference design that was upgraded for this
machine. This slightly later model was closer to the original with a

About Z80 based home computers, I would consider this to be one though
it wasn't cheap:

Other people might have a longer list:

-- Jecel

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