(V)HDL Toolsets

Jay Jaeger cube1 at charter.net
Sat May 23 21:40:13 CDT 2020

On 5/23/2020 6:47 PM, Chris Hanson wrote:
> On May 23, 2020, at 7:54 AM, Jay Jaeger <cube1 at charter.net> wrote:
> I think it depends on whether you want to expose *Ethernet* to the device you’re implementing, or just to provide access to it *over* Ethernet. Exposing serial and other channels via SPI or I2C is certainly straightforward.

Actually, neither, really.  This is an ollllllllllllld mainframe I am
implementing.  I will be exposing the lamps and switches (machine state
vector), a selectric console typewriter I/O and 7 track tape drives, and
maybe, eventually, a tiny (10MB) random access device.  SPI or I2C
to/from a microcontroller (PIC, Arduino, whatever) will do the trick
nicely - it can then talk TCP to the PC for data for the tapes and disk.


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