
Diane Bruce db at db.net
Mon Mar 30 10:07:43 CDT 2020

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 10:58:46AM -0400, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
> Haven't given up on DIBOL.  May try installing the RT-11 version and
> see if it runs.
> But now another language of interest has reared its ugly head.  :-)
> Anybody have an image of the tape for APL-11?  Manual claims it
> runs on all of the PDP-11 OSes and it is another language from
> my past that I haven't touched (other than to read some programs
> out of curiosity) in more than two decades.

Oh neat! Be sure you have the special keyboard and character set for it!
e.g. just overlays for the keyboard.

I remember interfacing our universities APL interpreter with some glue assembler
to the file system adding a new T bar. ;)

> Sure wish there was a way to find some of the third party stuff from
> the sourcebooks.  A lot of nice software that should have been saved
> for historical reasons, if nothing else, has been lost.


> bill

- db at FreeBSD.org db at db.net http://www.db.net/~db

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