PLATO V Terminal

Paul Koning paulkoning at
Fri Jun 19 11:43:20 CDT 2020

> On Jun 19, 2020, at 11:34 AM, Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk <cctalk at> wrote:
> Noel Chiappa wrote:
>>> Paul Koning wrote:
>>> airfight and any number of other multi-user games -- a thing made
>>> popular by PLATO and possibly originated there.
>> What was the date on that? Multi-player MazeWar on the Imlacs/ITS at
>> MIT was running before 1976 (I played it about then), but I don't
>> recall exactly when it first ran (before my time).
> I think Greg Thompson said he brought Maze to MIT in 1974.  Wikipedia
> says 1973.  The game was first developed at NASA Ames in 1972.

Ok, chances are that predates PLATO MUGs by 2-3 years. 


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