Apple 1

Justin Goldberg justgold79 at
Mon Jun 15 18:44:04 CDT 2020

Robert Cray always bragged that the newest Apple was designed with a Cray,
whereas the newest Cray was designed with an Apple. A superlative example
of the KISS principle, if it's true.

On Sun, Jun 14, 2020, 10:16 PM Ethan O'Toole via cctalk <
cctalk at> wrote:

> > He didn't know of anyone doing much other with it either.  I think it
> was
> > bought before there was a unix type OS under the Macos.
> > thanks
> > Jim
> They bought it to use to design the next Macintosh CPU I thought (break
> away from the 68000 but never did), but that page talks about electronics
> layout.
>                 - Ethan

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