CYCLOID faceplate for Altair computer...

William Sudbrink wh.sudbrink at
Wed Aug 26 16:52:48 CDT 2020

I seem to remember this being discussed many years ago, but I can't find it.


Anyway,  there's an Altair on epay right now with a CYCLOID faceplate.

If I remember correctly, this is just a replacement plastic insert that was

sold simply to "freshen up" an Altair where the original had worn badly,

as so many did.  I've done a fair amount of searching but I can't find an

ad or other reference to the product.  Does anyone recall the time period?

I would assume it was at least a couple of years after the introduction of

the Altair. 78 or 79?  A pointer to an advertisement or one of those "new

product" paragraphs that many of the magazines did back then would be

most helpful.



Bill S.

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