Anyone familiar with these vintage touchscreens?

ben bfranchuk at
Sat Oct 19 13:35:49 CDT 2019

On 10/19/2019 12:23 PM, Nigel Johnson via cctalk wrote:
> Judging by the year, it was probably a teletext terminal. There were 
> various field trials of such systems around that era.  We had one in 
> Toronto's Eaton Centre - it was based on NAPLPS, and used a PDP11/23. 
> There was a lot of Canadian Government money put into research to 
> promote he Canadian vector-based protocol, claimed to be more efficient 
> than the European alpha-mosaic ones.  Ours ran at 1200/150(?) baud.
> Research was done at a Bell Canada site on Carlingview Avenue in Ottawa 
> under some sort of sub-contract.   They used Able DMAXes on an 11/70 
> which had a pot to adjust the 150 baud clock.  They actually flew me up 
> from Toronto, with a scope, to adjust that pot, since everybody there 
> was hands-off this external stuff.
> It may have had a future if HTTP and the internet were not just around 
> the corner:-)

Well I think Hook up up to your TV and slower than  hell cheap decoders
killed the NAPLPS rather than the internet is comming.

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