Nuke Redmond!

corey cohen coreyvcf at
Mon Oct 7 07:49:38 CDT 2019

Ok the original topic.  

I think what screwed the guy selling the 25 cent computer disks is that Microsoft, according to the article ,sells $25 replacement restore disks.  So technically he is counterfeiting a current Microsoft product, the physical restore disk they sell.  The whole argument that there were original disks provided with the system or the software can be downloaded for free is meaningless to the actual case.  Not saying I agree with the law they got him on as there should be some exceptions but facts are the facts.  Btw. This was the first version of the story I read that mentioned that Microsoft sold replacement restore disks to computer refurbish shops themselves.  

To put this in another way.   You are allowed to make a personal backup your own stuff.   So for example I own a DVD of raiders of the lost ark, I’m allowed to make a backup for myself.  If I didn’t make a backup or lost the disk but had the packaging/case, you can order replacement disks by contacting paramount by providing your original packaging or damaged DVD.  I have done this in the past. 

Now if I made a copy of Raiders for someone else or copied it off a free TV transmission and sold DVDs of that, it would be a crime since there still is a way to buy a replacement DVD or watch/DVR it on free TV when it happens to be on.  


corey cohen
uǝɥoɔ ʎǝɹoɔ
Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 7, 2019, at 7:15 AM, John Foust via cctalk <cctalk at> wrote:
> At 05:51 AM 10/7/2019, Dave Wade via cctalk wrote:
>> Must be the USA PC World. In the UK they would have tried to sell you an extended warranty as well which is really just an insurance policy....
>> .. but the question is why PC World. Don't US universities have student discount stores?
> University student discount stores?  You mean those state-sponsored
> computer shops that put all the private computer shops out of business?
> Only 1.2 :-), as for example in a nearby (10K student) university town, 
> there are no longer any private computer repair shops that a non-student 
> can go to as far as I can tell, so I'm actually picking up more business 
> because I'm one town away.
> - John

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