RD54 jumper settings and cable settings

Chris Zach cz at alembic.crystel.com
Mon Nov 18 19:54:20 CST 2019

Finally got my xxdp+ floppy in the mail. The RX50 is flakey (probably 
needs a head cleaning, 95% isopropyl safe on these heads?) but I have it 
booted. Problem is in the RQDX3 formatter the drive shows up as drive 0, 
but generates an FCT write error.

1) I assume all cables in the BA23 chassis should have pin 1 to the left 
(away from fans), correct?
2) On the RD54 should it be jumpered as drive 1, or drive 4, or 
something in-between?
3) On the BA23 panel I assume the ready light should be on, the ready 
buttom for the RD54 should not be pressed, and the write protect light 
should be off with the write protect button not pressed, correct?

One step at a time, as they say....


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