TI994/A Power Supply

Jules Richardson jules.richardson99 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 06:46:05 CST 2019

On 11/14/19 3:02 PM, Jules Richardson via cctalk wrote:
>> I'm about 95% certain that it does NOT take line voltage in.
> Hmm, I'll see if I can find a moment to take it apart later. It's 
> interesting that it's a boxed unit with a cord that fits - but then it does 
> have three broken keys (caps are kicking around in the box) so it's 
> entirely possible that someone just parked it there for storage.

OK, the cord "fits", but having looked at it now I'm not at all convinced, 
either. The two-pin socket is actually the same as the four-pin socket on 
the other two machines, but with the upper two pins (intentionally) missing.

The PSU board inside appears to be a switcher, but I'd be inclined to agree 
with Allison that it's intended to run from low-voltage AC (I've put the 
machine back together now, but just realized that I should have checked the 
voltage rating on the rectifier stage's caps).



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