HP/UX 8 and hosts vs DNS

Stefan Skoglund stefan.skoglund at agj.net
Mon May 27 04:06:28 CDT 2019

sön 2019-05-26 klockan 21:09 -0700 skrev Cameron Kaiser via cctalk:
> I've been doing more work on my 9000/350 now that I have actual space
> to
> do work on it in. Although the 10b2 is flaky, I can usually coax it
> to work.
> However, the damn thing won't query DNS even though I have a
> populated
> /etc/resolv.conf. It can ping the name server, and if the name
> server's
> name is in /etc/hosts it will resolve it (and even telnet to it), but
> it
> won't talk to it for anything else.
> I'm not as adept at HP/UX before 10.20 (my first experience with the
> OS),
> but I understand 8.0 "fails over" to /etc/hosts if it has some issues
> with
> DNS. Fine, but how can I get it to switch *back*? There's no
> /etc/nsswitch.conf
> and I don't think this version supports it anyway.

look for sam(8) i believe.

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