UNIVAC 422 material  acquisitions updates..

ED SHARPE couryhouse at aol.com
Sat May 25 12:37:50 CDT 2019

UNIVAC 422 Training  Computer  material acquisitions updates..

- UNIVAC 422 Training  Computer program Instruction reference cards   -  (4 each)- Photograph  of  students  using one  in an educational environment (1 each)- Applications programs description sheets  fro  2  programs ( 1  each ,  2  programs)- UNIVAC 422 Partial Maintenance Manual  (1 each)-UNIVAC Card Spares  suitcase -  some dividers-   removed  (1 each)

The   Game is  Afoot! Please  check  your  files  for ANYTHING  related to  the  UNIVAC  422  or  UDT  Training  computers!  -   Ed Sharpe -   Archivist   for SMECC

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