Your Heatkkit EC-1 analog computer

Randy Dawson rdawson16 at
Mon Jul 29 22:50:46 CDT 2019

Hi Jeff,
I have hundreds of crystals here for you, and built a crystal tester (Jim Williams app note)
AN12 - Circuit Techniques for Clock Sources<>
Application Note 12 AN12-3 an12fa Figures 4a and 4b use another comparator based approach. In Figure 4a, the LT1016 comparator is set up with DC
Brian and I are keen on making a new analog computer, possibly a kit.  All new things, like the Analog Devices multipliers, better op amps etc, and possibly a USB, MIDI interface.
Let us know how you come along on your bringup of the EC-1.
The Heath manuals are the best in analog computing, on actual hardware.

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