wanted TO BUy any and all XSCRIBE KEY BOARD AND COMPUTER closed caption related & Steno typer key board related ... docs... parts.. units building up an working analog CC demo chain for display in our Deaf and Hard of Hearing assisting tech area.

ED SHARPE couryhouse at aol.com
Sun Jan 13 14:26:13 CST 2019

Yes, Fred there is,a lot of differnt facts to cc history...  an odd one was when CBS wanted the own  system not compliant with line 21... that attempt touched off demonstrations in the street and more... we have some great pic of the event.  ed#

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On Sunday, January 13, 2019 Fred Cisin <cisin at xenosoft.com> wrote:
You could also do small sub-exhibits:

on how closed captioning works (2 ASCII characters in line 21 of vertical 
history of federal actions

difference between subtitles, CC, SDH:
"He is in a meeting"
"He can see you now"
"Oh, I'm sorry, he seems to have stepped out"


Mozart horn concerto in E flat
"He is in a meeting"
[toilet flushes]
"He can see you now"
[door slams]
[tires squeal]
"Oh, I'm sorry, he seems to have stepped out"

content of .SRT file


how to add an .SRT file to an MP4 (Handbrake, VLC output, etc.)

On Sat, 12 Jan 2019, ED SHARPE via cctalk wrote:

> wanted any and all XSCRIBE closed caption related and steno typer key board  related ... docs... parts.. units building up an  working analog CC  demo chain for display in our Deaf and Hard of Hearing assisting tech area.  will consider othe brand gear to if even just for static display too....
> Interested in ad materials photos, war stories. etc etc 
>   thanks. Ed Sharpe

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