Removing PVA (Was: ADM-3A question)

Alan Perry aperry at
Sun Aug 11 12:29:13 CDT 2019

On 8/11/19 6:58 AM, Charles via cctech wrote:
> Anyway. I did a bit more Googling and discovered that plain water 
> dissolves the PVA goop just fine. No need to use a lot of expensive 
> alcohol which seems to be a less effective solvent anyway!

Last Christmas, I removed the old PVA from a DEC VR201 for a Rainbow 
100. On the advice of a website that I found, I bought butyl acetate and 
a long needle syringe for injecting it deep into the PVA.

However, after I removed the seal around the glass/tube, the glass 
practically fell off and most of the PVA came off in a sheet. I had some 
electronics grade isopropyl alcohol around anyway and I used that to do 
a final clean of everything before reassembly and reseal.

So, if anyone in the Seattle area needs a bottle of butyl acetate ...


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