The Ultimate Apollo Guidance Computer Talk

Jim Brain brain at
Wed Sep 19 18:33:11 CDT 2018

On 9/19/2018 6:27 PM, Andrew Luke Nesbit via cctalk wrote:
> On 19/09/2018 17:51, Guy Sotomayor Jr via cctalk wrote:
>> I worked with Michael when we were both at Apple (a really good/smart guy).  At the time
>> he was focused on 6502 related stuff and we had many discussions about old hardware.
> All of my knowledge of the 6502 comes from my time with the Commodore
> 64, where I learned about the 6510.  As far as I understand, the 6502 is
> still used regularly.
> Have you got any interesting examples of where the 6502 is used in
> contemporary work or new projects?  Thanks!!
> Kind regards,
> Andrew

Western Design Center, who designed and manufacture the WDC65C02S and 
WDC65C816S, tout project/product placements on their site/blog/facebook 
page.  That would be the most logical place to look.

I think they are focusing their units for IoT products in design wins.


Jim Brain
brain at

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