Identifying TO-3 w/HP house numbering

Christian Corti cc at
Tue Oct 16 03:03:35 CDT 2018

On Mon, 15 Oct 2018, Josh Dersch wrote:
> Got an HP 2382A terminal I'm attempting to resurrect.  I get no video, no
> heater, no high voltage.  What I believe to be the horizontal output
> transistor appears to be bad, but I'm not sure if this thing contains
> internal diodes that might be throwing off my testing attempts.  It's
> labeled "1854-0900."  Anyone know what this actually is?  (Anyone have a
> service manual for this terminal?)

It's possible that the video section is identical to that of the HP 120. 
According to Tony Duell's schematics, the HOT is a MJ10006. The HP9816, 
also similar in shape, uses a BUZ45.
The HP150 uses HP part number "1854-0948" which is also a MJ10006.


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