CPT boards

Jules Richardson jules.richardson99 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 12:48:05 CDT 2018

I borrowed a pile of scrap 1970s-era PCBs from my local recycler yesterday, 
just to make sure there was nothing important among them before they go off 
for processing. Among them are six boards branded as CPT, which I assume 
(as I'm in MN) is the CPT Corporation that was in Minneapolis.

The double-sided boards are organized in five rows of five ICs, with 44-way 
edge connectors and IC date codes in the 1973-1977 range. I seem to have 
p/n's 910012, 910014, 910015, 910017, 910018 and 910022.

In addition to this there's a smaller board which references "deck 1 heads" 
and "deck 2 heads", and appears to have a p/n of 910025.

Does this ring any bells with anyone? The Wikipedia entry for CPT mentions 
the 'VM' machine in 1976 with dual tape units, so I wonder if they're from 
one of those... if so, I'm curious if there are any surviving intact 
examples out there (or other info, there doesn't appear to be any CPT stuff 
on bitsavers)



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