George Keremedjiev

ED SHARPE couryhouse at
Wed Nov 21 21:14:23 CST 2018

some blank spaces whereas us 2 instead of one is some times bad mr. hand

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

On Wednesday, November 21, 2018 Fred Cisin <cisin at> wrote:
It is YOUR mail program that is doing the extraneous insertions, and 
then not showing them to you when you view your own messages.

ALL of us see either extraneous characters, or extraneous spaces in 
everything that you send!
I use PINE in a shell account, and they show up as a whole bunch of 
inappropriate spaces.

Seriously, YOUR mail program is inserting extraneous stuff.
Everybody? but you sees it.

> who  knows?   what  mail program  are  you using that   does that?
It is YOUR mail program that is "doing that"!!

On Wed, 21 Nov 2018, ED SHARPE via cctalk wrote:

> who  knows?   what  mail program  are  you using that   does that?
> In a message dated 11/21/2018 1:25:08 PM US Mountain Standard Time, cctalk at writes:
> At 02:03 PM 11/21/2018, ED SHARPE via cctalk wrote:
>> I sold him my extra classic 8 with the plexi covers on it... sn 200 series.... we kept sn #18
> Side question: What process is turning non-blanking spaces into ISO-8859-1
> circumflex-A for you?
> I see 'Â' all throughout your emails.
> - John

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