Nekochan has been shut down :(

Carlo Pisani carlojpisani at
Mon May 28 04:33:58 CDT 2018

DownTheBunker is open!

- bazaar distiller doesn't require to register an account, it sums up
Market place's items for sale or wanted in a nutshell
- person-to-person trading in the Bazaar, you have to register an
account in order to contact people
- mini message-wall; doesn't log the IP and doesn't require you to
register, can be used as a message in the bottle, or a mini chat
- message-board. doesn't request to register but it logs the IP. It's
more advanced and it can be used as mini Wiki
- Chunks (of users/stuff) offers FTP-like with manuals and links to
other sites bookmarks

Durcheinander is an advanced area with the possibility for the (local,
only from the local intranet) user to upload and execute JavaScripts,
JavaAplette, Node.Js code, and Java bytecode. It's not yet safe enough
to be open to the public Internet, and it stills needs to be hardened
in its profile. Due to what happened in December 2017, cyber attacks
destroying the whole website, it's a reserved chunk of privé stealth
rooms for the team, whose access from the Internet is reserved and
features are reduced e.g. it checks the socket.connect.ip, and if it
comes from outside the intranet it blocks the whole scripting-engine
allowing just a plain text browsing.

My participation to SGI is merely focused on my needs, as I'd like to
port an HDL simulator to Irix.
But I sold my Octane 1 year ago, and I am willing to sell my dual
Tezro rack-mountable racks cause I lost enthusiasm.

Anyway, does anyone happen to have a copy of an Ada95 compiler for
Irix? Or a working copy of GNAT? Needed for IRIX >= 6.5.27

I will for sure sell the Tezro, Maybe I will reconsider the purchase
of a tiny Octane.

I am more focused on Linux/HPPA and Linux/PPC32, which are used for job tasks.
At the moment. I am developing a fast FiberChannel ram-disk for the
radio telescope.


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