Is This A Shill?

Ed Sharpe couryhouse at
Wed May 2 11:34:41 CDT 2018

Another nice  feature of the offers is  you can let them  come in and choose the highest and best  use  for where the item goes...
In a message dated 5/2/2018 8:51:52 AM US Mountain Standard Time, cctalk at writes:


On 5/2/18 8:22 AM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:

> One thing that many eBay subscribers overlook is the "Make offer"
> feature of some auctions. In my opinion, that's where the real gold can
> be.

Yup, in both directions.

People seem completely clueless about what a reasonable offer is, on both sides.

The cheapest listings are BIN, and are very efficient at getting rid of things.

To put it bluntly, I list high and expect reasonable
offers, which rarely happen.

Sometimes I guess low on the BIN price. If there are an insane number of views
and no one bites, I RAISE the price. Eventually, someone buys it.

If something isn't moving, I kill the listing, lower the price, and relist.
There are no cost to do this.

I see a few people abuse this, relisting every couple of days to keep their junk
in the new listings.

In my opinion, eBay's fixed-period auctions are a waste of time.

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