eBay search fail

Noel Chiappa jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu
Tue May 1 13:44:40 CDT 2018

    > From: Fred Cisin

    > Adding additional OR'ed terms (eBay does OR with comma delimited list
    > in parentheses) sometimes results in FEWER hits, when that SHOULD
    > always give more hits

A similar one is that adding more terms (i.e. AND) sometimes turns up things
that didn't turn up before. I guess this 'PDP-11 parts' failure is an example
of that.

    > The change of category is reprehensible.

Yeah, it was pretty irritating - I just happened to notice it by chance,
and then for a long time had to manually re-search. It seems to have gone
away (at least on 'pdp-11') in the last few days, though?

Oh, and the corollary (which people with brains faster than mine probably
already realized :-): if you list something (epecially expensive!), wait a
bit and do a search on the obvious terms that people are likely to use - if
it doesn't turn up, cancel and try again (maybe with a slightly different


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