New Listings for Sellam's Collection Sales

ethan at ethan at
Thu Jun 7 09:23:44 CDT 2018

> Some of the Q-BUS stuff is very cheap. Pity I am in the UK. I thought 
> the Atari Mega ST4 was a little expensive given its untested. I know it 
> needs a special video lead to test but mine popped a video driver. Also 
> technically it doesn't usually boot from disk. The OS is in ROM but it 
> will read a settings file from floppy.

On Atari Mega 2s, the two I have come across has bad internal floppy 
drives. And they're really cool looking, so no desire to replace with a 
generic PC one (that will work, but not fit the plastic.) So I opted on 
mine to add an ultrasatan board mounted to the RF shield internally, with 
the SD card exposed on the back where the epansion board cover is. I used 
an external floppy to copy software to the SD card on the ultrasatan.

My friend landed a Mega 2 as well, and his drive was bad as well. I 
haven't attempted to repair yet but it might be worthwhile to figure out 
what the failure is on these rarities.

 			- Ethan

: Ethan O'Toole

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