RX02 problem

Bill Gunshannon bill.gunshannon at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 3 16:42:11 CST 2018

On 02/03/2018 05:26 PM, allison via cctalk wrote:
> On 02/03/2018 03:38 PM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
>> Do we have any real RX02 experts?  My long time running
>> RX02 seems to have decided to go on strike.  When I try to
>> access it now it repeatedly loads and unloads the heads but
>> never reads anything.  I can usually break out of it with
>> control-C.  Attempts to boot from it have the same effect.
>> Anybody else ever see this behavior?
>> Oh yeah, I know the controllers are good as I also have an
>> AK6DN emulator and it works (well up to a point, but that's
>> a problem for another message.  :-)
>> bill
> HI,
> Assuming you haven't killed the media either the heads are crudded up
> or the cable is partially disconnected.

Ah ha.  I suspect the cable is bad.  I had to repair it once and
I now suspect it is gone bad yet again.  Wonder if I have another
cable that size floating around here somewhere.

> FYI if the heads are crudded up the media with have a circular scratch
> generally in the directory or boot areas (outer edges).  That kills the
> media for reading that area.

While possible I would expect that to develop slowly and this was sudden 



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