Kaypro II keyboard fault / keyswitches wanted

Jim Brain brain at jbrain.com
Wed Apr 18 18:02:57 CDT 2018

On 4/18/2018 6:01 PM, Jules Richardson via cctalk wrote:
> Hey all,
> I snagged a Kaypro II a short while ago which I finally got around to 
> looking at. After some minor TLC to the drives, it's booting.
> However, the keyboard appears unresponsive. Pressing keys (with the 
> exception of caps-lock, the two shifts, and ctrl) results in a 
> buzz/click from within the keyboard - if I'm interpreting the 
> schematics right, the click is actually driven by the system in 
> response to a keypress, which suggests that my keyswitches are OK (I 
> believe these use a foam disc approach, which are prone to 
> deterioration) and that keyboard data is being received OK (at least 
> on some low level).
> Any suggestions for possible things to investigate? It doesn't feel 
> like a memory fault, given that it's using 64kx1 ICs and booting as 
> far as a prompt, but I suppose it's possible.
> On the back of this, I'm in need of three keyswitches, if anyone 
> happens to have a parts machine and would be willing to sell any. A 
> student of the machine's previous owner dropped the keyboard years ago 
> and broke three of the keys off. I have the keycaps, but the switch 
> stems are broken and it would probably be easier to replace the entire 
> stem portions rather than attempting to glue things back together.
> cheers
> Jules

Can't help on the diag, but wanted to stay tuned in if keyswitches are 
available.  Been hunting for a few for a few years.


Jim Brain
brain at jbrain.com

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