usenet text newsgroup archives

jim stephens jwsmail at
Tue May 23 03:57:44 CDT 2017

I've not hunted for anything much new on text usenet groups in ages.

However I ran across a reference to a mailman mail list from 2006 call 
sun at home.

Then stumbled across something call  I presume that 
may be ?

Anyone have a pointer to stable archives.  And perhaps what happened to 
the mailman and archives?

the trail to that list runs like this:

This site with lots of Sun info I can use:

References this which is "on hiatus":

apparently above is by Dwight D. McKay.

 From what I recall of Purdue IT and the like he is probably someone who 
knows or worked with
George Gobel.  (google his liquid oxygen BBQ sometime, for a taste).

This is the link, but the above will hit all sorts of fun madness. Way 
before Mythbusters and the like
as far as "don't try this at home"  (subscript, tell George and let him 
set himself on fire).


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