BBS software for the PDP 11

allison allisonportable at
Thu May 18 14:14:16 CDT 2017

On 5/18/17 1:53 PM, jim stephens via cctalk wrote:
> On 5/18/2017 9:51 AM, Adrian Stoness via cctalk wrote:
>> So a 11/03 aka a lsi11 would be to slow for such things? Such as those
>> Heathkit h11 lsi11 macheans? Witch was a hobyist pdp11 for those that 
>> are
>> unfamiliar with the hearhkits
> My take and extension on Chuck's and Allison's question is that you 
> can take a USB R232 dongle, and a 56k modem (if your pots line still 
> supports it, 33k if not (hopefully), and run a BBS on a Raspberry Pi 
> if nothing else for nothing in power and infrastructure cost.
> An 11 is novel, but hard to see why running it on simh wouldn't be a 
> better deal if you want something on the pdp11 architecture.
> Keeping any PDP11 up 24 / 7 so it is a useful BBS isn't an undertaking 
> for the faint hearted, nor is it something easy on the pocketbook in 
> the way of power.  (not to mention space possibly).
Actually a 11/23 with RQDX (or scsi) hard disks can be one paltry BA23 
and fairly
low total power needs.  I have such a beast, MicroPDP-11, 11/23+, 4MB ram,
RQDX3 with RD52(31mb), RX33(5.25 two side floppy).  Its small and has 
the pedestal
case to it is in the corner of a bedroom with a VT320 ( and I think 
still I have a DF03).
  Sucks down about the same power as an old 486 loaded tower with about 
the same
disks (around 160-300W).   Qbus machine help with that.  One with an 
11/73 board
would be fast.

A larger machine with Rk, RL or RM drives will be power hungry.

IF VAX based, a 3100 or related series would do that with minimal pain.

Older boxen like 11/34 or 11/40 are going to suck down watts and need AC.

> Unless you are a couple of well known museums and others very few do 
> the real hardware.
> thanks
> Jim
>> On May 18, 2017 11:45 AM, "Chuck Guzis via cctalk" 
>> <cctalk at>
>> wrote:
>>> On 05/18/2017 08:16 AM, allison via cctalk wrote:
>>>> The real question is why BBS?  What is it trying to fix or enable?
>>> You put the words into my mouth.  Thank you.
>>> --Chuck

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