BBS software for the PDP 11

allison allisonportable at
Thu May 18 14:02:50 CDT 2017

On 5/18/17 12:51 PM, Adrian Stoness via cctalk wrote:
> So a 11/03 aka a lsi11 would be to slow for such things? Such as those
> Heathkit h11 lsi11 macheans? Witch was a hobyist pdp11 for those that are
> unfamiliar with the hearhkits
No,  BBSs were run with 4mhz Z80s...  compared to LSI-11 (H11 or PDP11/03)
The -11 is a bit faster.  The H11 was not slower, the ram used didn't inject
bus waits.

Actually the limiting item back then as disk performance.  The later 
hard disks
(rd50 to 54, RD31, RD32, RZxxx) really can help.


> On May 18, 2017 11:45 AM, "Chuck Guzis via cctalk" <cctalk at>
> wrote:
>> On 05/18/2017 08:16 AM, allison via cctalk wrote:
>>> The real question is why BBS?  What is it trying to fix or enable?
>> You put the words into my mouth.  Thank you.
>> --Chuck

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