Plamen Mihaylov plamenspam at
Sun Jan 29 13:17:47 CST 2017

Thank you for your replies.

I gave it a try earlier today and it turns out that its working on 220V.

Now I need to find out whats wrong with the machine. The LED 1 is
constantly blinking and I have no idea about DIP switches configuration.

Ani ideas, or may be someone have manuals.


On Saturday, January 28, 2017, Plamen Mihaylov <plamenspam at>

> I recently obtained Sony portable model - NWS-1250 from Japan.
> There is a bottom label "AC 100V", however the PSU has 100-120V and
> 220-240V label.
> The exact PSU model is Sony 1-413-548-11.
> Is it safe to plug it in 220V AC or to wait the arrival of step-down
> transformer ?
> The other problem is that the disk has been wiped. Does anyone have
> NEWS-OS CISC version media ?
> Best regards,
> Plamen

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