DEC VT100/220 line wrapping semantics sought

Mattias Engdegård mattiase at
Mon Jan 2 10:32:53 CST 2017

1 jan. 2017 kl. 23.38 skrev Al Kossow <aek at>:
> I'll put my copy on line. It's 70mb, the mirrors should have it sometime tomorrow.

Many thanks! Very interesting reading; the information I was looking for is on page D-13.
While the document makes the architectural intent reasonably clear, it also says:

  It should be noted that existing products vary widely in their
  handling of the end-of-line condition in regards to resetting the
  Last Column Flag.

For that reason, I would still be very grateful if someone with an actual VT100 or later would run the previously mentioned test program at It should build on any Posix system and should be easy to adapt in any case. I'll summarise any contributions.

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