Logic Analysers

Paul Berger phb.hfx at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 15:28:23 CST 2017

On 2017-02-03 4:41 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
>> ...And if you don't have a schematic, you ring out the connections and draw
>> your own...
> Given the number of times I've done that, I half-feel like mentioning
> a grandmother
> and sucking eggs ;-)
> More seriously, to draw out a useful schematic -- not just one that
> shows what is
> connected to what, but also groups related sections together, also
> requres a good
> understanding of the device, of what is likely to be going on, etc. In
> other words that
> brain comes in handy...
> -tony
Without a doubt the brain is the most important tool..... in my day job 
of providing advise on fixing equipment, not component level mind you, 
you quickly learn who is equipped with this tool and who is not.


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