Revive 11/34

william degnan billdegnan at
Mon Dec 11 07:56:58 CST 2017

Ray Fantini knows the 11/34 very well

He helped me with UNIBUS diagnosis.
I am sure you have seen this:

I would definitely start with the power supply and work my way through the
voltage regulators, etc.  If you already did this, I apologize for missing
that you mentioned.


On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 8:15 AM, william degnan <billdegnan at>

> > >>
> > >> Any suggestions as to what to try first?  I may have the bus grant in
> backwards.  I have other boards I can try.
> > >>
> For an 11/34A can one test for DC LO / AC LO?  If so and you don't get the
> correct reading that's a show stopper right there.  Remove all but the
> essential cards, terminate the UNIBUS to the shortest poss. size and least
> RAM.  I no longer have an 11/34A but there are a lot of similarities to the
> 11/40.  Many cards interchangable.
> Bill

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