Availability of PDP-8i Front Panel

Rod Smallwood rodsmallwood52 at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 26 13:55:09 CDT 2016

Hello Ray 
                I have plenty of PDP-8/i front panels. I also make and stock front panels for
PDP-8/e , f and m. The panels are made by the exact same process as the originals.
They are designed as replacements for front panels on original systems.
I worked for digital when these systems were in current production.

The original PDP-8/I had a two section bezel The top part held the front panel and the lower part the switches.  

I am currently in southern Germany and will return to uk on wednesday
I'll send you some more information then.

Rod Panelman Smallwood

Sent from my iPad

> On 25 Sep 2016, at 19:59, Ray Neal <rayneal382 at gmail.com> wrote:
> assembly?

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