UMR computer photos

jim stephens jwsmail at
Mon Sep 26 05:21:23 CDT 2016

I was looking thru one of the yearbooks from my time at University of 
Missouri, Rolla.  I found what I think is a photo of a GE-200.  I 
"liberated" this system or one of them to a lab I had, when they were 
mothballed, and I could swear that is what the systems were.

If anyone recognizes them, let me know.  This is the first hint of any 
sort as to what I had.  And my memory could be wrong.  The square 
indicator and switch style is very much like what I recall for this 
particular system.

I had gotten handed a couple of very heavy trays of Lambda power 
supplies which clearly were for some purpose due to how they were 
mounted.  I later found the system I think was a GE-200 neglected in a 
stockroom in the EE building and recognized that the interconnnect would 
fit the power supply trays I had.

The system was transistorized, not IC I might add.  That was why it took 
4 or 5 large Lambda supplies.  Luckily we had not broken the supply tray 
up and i was able to play with it.

The other thing i think might be of interest are several photos of an 
analog computer that the EE dept had.  I know there was another much 
larger system in the Physics department as well, and maybe I'll luck out 
and find a photo of it later.

Oh, and the blond at the keypunch.  I might add that she is probably 
retired now.

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