Meaning of "architecture width" - Re: 68K Macs with MacOS 7.5 still in production use...

Antonio Carlini a.carlini at
Fri Sep 16 16:47:33 CDT 2016

On 16/09/16 12:19, Peter Corlett wrote:
> It seems that as soon as one is measuring something that is related to 
> computers, some people think that centuries of convention and 
> standards should be ignored and SI multipliers now mean powers of 
> 1024, even when measuring a quantity that is not naturally a power of 
> two such as disk sizes or network speed. It just serves to confuddle 
> things. 

I've never encountered anyone claiming that a 10Mb/s network means 
anything other than ten million bits per second.

I suppose *someone* must have fiddled their network speeds in some 
marketing brochure, but they'd be the exception rather than the rule.


Antonio Carlini
arcarlini at

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