HP-35/45 Simulator for PDP-8

Doug Ingraham dpi at dustyoldcomputers.com
Tue Sep 13 15:38:14 CDT 2016


This struck me as a pretty clever bit of code.  My first cut used 23 words
including 2 masks and 3 temporaries.
This is the working version of Vince's original.  It uses 18 words
including 1 mask and 2 temporaries.
I have done some edge testing and it appears to work.

   31 00210  0000  BSWI,   .-.             /ENTRY POINT
   32 00211  3175          DCA SAVEAC
   33 00212  7420          SNL             /REMEMBER LINK STATE
   34 00213  7040          CMA             /AS A -1 FOR ISZ TEST
   35 00214  3176          DCA SAVEL
   36 00215  7100          CLL             /NEED THE LINK CLEARED
   37 00216  1175          TAD SAVEAC      /GET 0 XXX XXX YYY YYY
   38 00217  0177          AND C7700       /    0 XXX XXX 000 000
   39 00220  1175          TAD SAVEAC      /    X XXX XX0 YYY YYY
   40 00221  7006          RTL             /    X XXX 0YY YYY YXX
   41 00222  7006          RTL             /    X X0Y YYY YYX XXX
   42 00223  7006          RTL             /    0 YYY YYY XXX XXX
   43 00224  2176          ISZ SAVEL       /WAS LINK SET?
   44 00225  7020          CML             /YES, RESTORE LINK
   45 00226  5610          JMP I BSWI      /RETURN
   46              $

As Klemens Krause points out you do need the CLL (line 36) somewhere before
the second TAD SAVEAC or it will flip
what was the original leftmost bit (AC 0).

I have thought about this a bunch and have come up with an improved
version.  It also uses 18 words including 2 constants
two temporaries.  This is one less instruction executed.

   32 00210  0000  BSWI,   .-.             /ENTRY POINT
   33 00211  3174          DCA SAVEAC
   34 00212  7430          SZL             /REMEMBER LINK STATE
   35 00213  1177          TAD C0100       /PRE ROTATE LINK POSITION
   36 00214  3175          DCA SAVEL
   37 00215  7100          CLL             /NEED THE LINK CLEARED
   38 00216  1174          TAD SAVEAC      /GET 0 XXX XXX YYY YYY
   39 00217  0176          AND C7700       /    0 XXX XXX 000 000
   40 00220  1174          TAD SAVEAC      /    X XXX XX0 YYY YYY
   41 00221  1175          TAD SAVEL       /    X XXX XXL YYY YYY
   42 00222  7006          RTL             /    X XXX LYY YYY YXX
   43 00223  7006          RTL             /    X XLY YYY YYX XXX
   44 00224  7006          RTL             /    L YYY YYY XXX XXX
   45 00225  5610          JMP I BSWI      /RETURN

Not bad but I realized even more was possible.

   31 00210  0000  BSWI,   .-.             /ENTRY POINT
   32 00211  3174          DCA SAVEAC
   33 00212  7430          SZL             /REMEMBER LINK STATE
   34 00213  1176          TAD C0100       /PRE ROTATE LINK POSITION
   35 00214  7100          CLL             /NEED THE LINK CLEARED
   36 00215  1174          TAD SAVEAC      /GET 0 XXX XXX YYY YYY
   37 00216  0175          AND C7700       /    0 XXX XXX 000 000
   38 00217  1174          TAD SAVEAC      /    X XXX XX0 YYY YYY
   39 00220  7006          RTL             /    X XXX LYY YYY YXX
   40 00221  7006          RTL             /    X XLY YYY YYX XXX
   41 00222  7006          RTL             /    L YYY YYY XXX XXX
   42 00223  5610          JMP I BSWI      /RETURN

I realized I could add in the link with the first TAD and the result is the
same so was able to eliminate the DCA SAVEL and
the corresponding TAD SAVEL and since SAVEL was not used anymore I got rid
of that as well.  This is 15 words long which
includes the two constants and the one temporary.

I think the only way you could do this faster would be to use a whole field
as a lookup table but that uses a lot more space.

   48 00227  0000  BSWT1,  .-.
   49 00230  3175          DCA SAVEAC
   50 00231  6271          CDF 070         /ASSUME LOOKUP TABLE IS ON PAGE 7
   51 00232  1575          TAD I SAVEAC
   52 00233  6201          CDF 000         /RESTORE DATA FIELD
   53 00234  5627          JMP I BSWT1     /RETURN

Something like that anyway.

Thanks for an interesting bit of optimization!


On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 6:07 PM, Vincent Slyngstad <v.slyngstad at frontier.com>

> From: Kyle Owen: Thursday, September 08, 2016 3:53 PM
>> How does the following compare to your BSWEMU, by the way? This ensures
>> that the link bit remains untouched, which may or may not be important in
>> every case of BSW in my application.
> I'm sure I've seen some code before that does this, but I can't seem to
>> find any now that I'm looking for it. Maybe there's a shorter way. I think
>> this takes 23 words if you include the (0100), (7700), and (0077), which
>> may or may not also be used elsewhere in the first page where I put this
>> subroutine.
> Here's my slightly optimized version, for what it's worth:
>   1                    *400
>   2            /
>   3            / BSW emulation
>   4            /
>   5 00400 0000 bsw,    .-.
>   6 00401 3216         dca saveac      / Save AC
>   7 00402 7630         szl cla         / Link set?
>   8 00403 7140         cll cma         / Yes, remember it
>   9 00404 3217         dca savel
>  10 00405 1216         tad saveac      / Get 0 xxx xxx yyy yyy
>  11 00406 0220         and c7700
>  12 00407 1216         tad saveac      / x xx xxx0 yyy yyy
>  13 00410 7006         rtl
>  14 00411 7006         rtl
>  15 00412 7006         rtl             / 0 yyy yyy xxx xxx
>  16 00413 2217         isz savel       / Was link set?
>  17 00414 7020         cml             / Yes, restore it
>  18 00415 5600         jmp i bsw       / return
>  19 00416 0000 saveac, .-.
>  20 00417 0000 savel,  .-.
>  21 00420 7700 c7700,  7700
>  22            $
> There is a fair chance that each of saveac, savel, and c7700 can be reused
> elsewhere.
> Some assemblers flag the "(" construct when used on page 0, BTW.  It's
> more correct
> to use "[" there (or to avoid both).
> I'm a "family of 8" guy, so I avoid using BSW to begin with.
>    Vince

Doug Ingraham
PDP-8 SN 1175

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