obscure forgoten Machean of Europe?

Mattis Lind mattislind at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 01:46:48 CDT 2016

> >
> > What other obscure European Machean are out there?
> There are of course Norsk Data that made minis and micros (rumor has it
> North Korea still runs ND). In Sweden we had Datasaab which made minis and
> mainframes. I have a rare micro, the Datasaab D16 which is really a Facit
> which is really an Addo

Datasaab D16 was actually a rebranded Computer Automation Mini. You are
thinking about the D12.

While mentioning Datasaab I'd like mention the D5 series which were small
16 bit TTL machines used for example by banks as a terminal concentrator.
Sparbankerna in Sweden used them in all branches.

Then there is the D21 and D22 mainframes which competed well against IBM in
the sixties in the nordic market. Unfortunatley the follow up D23 took very
long to complete and was not a success. Datasaab was merged with Univac.



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