HP-35/45 Simulator for PDP-8
Vincent Slyngstad
v.slyngstad at frontier.com
Thu Sep 8 19:07:31 CDT 2016
From: Kyle Owen: Thursday, September 08, 2016 3:53 PM
> How does the following compare to your BSWEMU, by the way? This ensures
> that the link bit remains untouched, which may or may not be important in
> every case of BSW in my application.
> I'm sure I've seen some code before that does this, but I can't seem to
> find any now that I'm looking for it. Maybe there's a shorter way. I think
> this takes 23 words if you include the (0100), (7700), and (0077), which
> may or may not also be used elsewhere in the first page where I put this
> subroutine.
Here's my slightly optimized version, for what it's worth:
1 *400
2 /
3 / BSW emulation
4 /
5 00400 0000 bsw, .-.
6 00401 3216 dca saveac / Save AC
7 00402 7630 szl cla / Link set?
8 00403 7140 cll cma / Yes, remember it
9 00404 3217 dca savel
10 00405 1216 tad saveac / Get 0 xxx xxx yyy yyy
11 00406 0220 and c7700
12 00407 1216 tad saveac / x xx xxx0 yyy yyy
13 00410 7006 rtl
14 00411 7006 rtl
15 00412 7006 rtl / 0 yyy yyy xxx xxx
16 00413 2217 isz savel / Was link set?
17 00414 7020 cml / Yes, restore it
18 00415 5600 jmp i bsw / return
19 00416 0000 saveac, .-.
20 00417 0000 savel, .-.
21 00420 7700 c7700, 7700
22 $
There is a fair chance that each of saveac, savel, and c7700 can be reused
Some assemblers flag the "(" construct when used on page 0, BTW. It's more
to use "[" there (or to avoid both).
I'm a "family of 8" guy, so I avoid using BSW to begin with.
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