The huge lot that had the NIB 8" floppies is now on ebay

Pontus Pihlgren pontus at Update.UU.SE
Wed Sep 7 02:19:15 CDT 2016

On Tue, Sep 06, 2016 at 11:30:39AM -0400, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>     > From: Jason Howe
>     > when folks just dump an ebay item number rather than a full link, those
>     > posts should die
> Why? It's a tiny bit more work to use them (prepend the number with the
> string "", and away you go), so one can't just click
> and go, but are people really that unwilling to go to the slightest effort?

Also firefox has a nifty feature called "keyword search". If you 
rightclick the searchfield on ebay you can choose:

 "Add a Keyword for this search..." 

That lets you add a bookmark with a keyword field, enter something short 
like the letter "e".

Now you can type "e <item number>" in the address field, and it usually 
gives you a hit (sometimes ebay fails... ebay is a mess).

It's really handy, a wikipedia search is no "w <subject>" for me.


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