DEC bus transceivers

allison ajp166 at
Wed Oct 26 10:43:38 CDT 2016

On 10/26/16 10:54 AM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>      > From: Philipp Hachtmann
>      > Very enlightening.
>      > You're hoarding interface ICs with commercial second thoughts
> If you think either Guy, or Dave and I, expect to make much money selling the
> QBUS/UNIBUS boards we are working on, you are seriously confused. None of us
> are in this as a money-making exercise; there are easier ways to make a lot
> more money.
I was making money,  not on part but refubished and tested boards.


> And as to the hoarding, if you'd like to buy up a couple of thousand yourself,
> from that miniscule stockpile of 30K units that Guy and I have left out there
> for you all, please let me know, and I'll expidite over a name, phone number,
> and email for you to contact.
> 	Noel

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