Need to archive: GRiD Compass Computer Operating System Software

Ian Finder ian.finder at
Tue Oct 25 19:08:02 CDT 2016

Folks, there appears to be a large GRiD-sized hole where archived copies of
the Compass Computer Operating System software should be.

For those not aware, GRiD had an OS product that was quite advanced for the
time- with bitmapped graphics, multitasking, a beautiful forms-driven, UI,

Unfortunately, nothing but the basic OS seems to be preserved anywhere- no
add-on software, not even the utilities needed to format the hard drive.

This is a travesty- GRiD made something far more important than PC clone
machines, at one time.

*** I'm looking for leads on any software products mentioned below, or at
this URL: ***

I have been buying manuals for the express purpose of scanning, and have a
great deal of coverage, but am short on software.

I am not opposed to paying for any of this, nor shipping and returning the
original copies to the provider at my own expense.

I will certainly put all the images in Bitsavers, if Al is okay with that-
otherwise they will be made available through some other means.

Any leads on GRiD media is appreciated.


- Ian

GRiDWrite, Management Tools, GRiDVT100, and GRiDbasic have already been

[35], [36] and [37-47] would be incredible to find.

--- ------------------------- ----- -------  -----
 18 GRiD-OS 110X/112X 29200 3.1.0.A   [6]
 19 GRiD-OS 113X      29210 3.1.5.D
 20 GRiD-OS 110X/112X         29200 3.1.0.A

 21 Management Tools          21100 3.1.0
 22 GRiDMaster                21231 3.1.7
 23 GRiDPaint                 21214 3.1.5
 24 GRiDWrite                 21132 3.1.7
 25 GRiDAccess                21212 3.1.7
 26 GRiDPlan                        3.1.5
 27 GRiDPlan II                     3.2.1
 28 GRiDWrite                 21132 3.1.7

 29 GRiDVT100/Reformat        21191 3.2
 30 GRiDVT100/Reformat        21191 3.1.5
 31 GRiD3101/Reformat         21151           [7]
 32 GRiD3101/Reformat         21151 3.1.5     [7]
 33 GRiDTek4016               21228 36.9.4    [7]
 34 GRiDTerm/Reformat         21141 3.1.5

 35 GRiDTransfer/Partition    21210
 36 GRiDRecord/Playback             3.1.5

 37 C-86                      23032 3.2.0
 38 Pascal-86                 23025 0.3.1     [1 COPY SOLD]
 39 FORTRAN-86                23015 0.3.0
 40 PL/M-86                   23030 0.2.7
 41 BASIC                           3.1.0     [7], [1 COPY SOLD]
 42 ASM-86                    23031
 43 GRiDDebug/Devel. Tools    29300 3.1.7
 44 GRiDDebug/Devel. Tools    29300 3.0.0
 45 GRiDTask II / Windows     21230 3.2
 46 GRiDTask II               21230 3.1.7
 47 GRiDTask                  21230 3.1.7
 48 ROM Builder                     2.1.0     [7]

 49 ROM: GRiD-OS System 112X  24100 3.1.0     [8]
 50 ROM: GRiD-OS System 113X  24180 3.1.5     [8]
 51 ROM: GRiD-OS Utilities    21400 3.1.0     [8]
 52 ROM: GRiDMaster                 3.1.7     [8]
 53 ROM: GRiDVT100/Reformat   24150 3.2       [8]
 54 ROM: GRiDWrite/Term/Refmt 24140 3.1.5     [8]

   Ian Finder
   (206) 395-MIPS
   ian.finder at

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